
Sea Cadets Offshore Yachts Visit  St Kilda

Sea Cadets Offshore Yachts Visit St Kilda


Eight very lucky Sea Cadets aged 15 to 17 years old from units in Methil, Norwich, Nottingham, Ross on Wye and Monmouth, St Helens and Tewkesbury set sail for a two week adventure from Saturday 6 to Friday 19 July to explore the outer Hebrides and the island of St Kilda, part of an isolated archipelago 100 miles west of Scotland.

Cadets set sail on Saturday 6 July from Oban on Sea Cadets two 35ft Tradewind Yachts, TS Vigilant and TS City Liveryman. Cadets toured the North Atlantic visiting Canna before anchoring at the beautiful island of Eriskay. The following morning cadets set sail through the Sound of Barra, which is a designated site of Special Area of Conservation to protect the marine and wildlife environment. The cadets then sailed to their final destination on the remote island of St Kilda arriving on Wednesday 10 July.

Today, only a small team of Ministry of Defence workers and summer rangers live on St Kilda. In 1930 the 36 remaining permanent residents of the island requested to leave due to feelings of isolation and loneliness, moving to mainland Scotland.

Cadets explored the remote island, visited a small museum, swam in the crystal clear waters and hiked to the highest point (411m) of the island.

On the way back to Oban, they sailed through the Sound of Harris and spotted a large Minke Whale rolling and diving beneath their yachts for the best part of an hour; a magical experience. The adventure ended with a visit to the waterfront town of Tobermory.

Sea Cadets £4.8million Flagship!

Sea Cadets £4.8million Flagship!


A £4.8million contact is being awarded to Spanish shipyard Astilleros Gondan S.A, and designers Acubens to build the Sea Cadets new 21st Century flagship which will take thousands of cadets on an offshore voyage.

The new ship will replace the current ship, TS Royalist, now over 40 years old and increasingly expensive to maintain. A flagship voyage is the pinnacle of the Sea Cadet experience and one which the charity wants to ensure future generations of Sea Cadets can benefit from. TS Royalist launched in 1971 taking over 30,000 cadets to sea in her lifetime.

The new and innovative design offers greater use of space, with better all-round sailing ability and performance. Faster and easier to handle than Royalist, the new ship is also more economical to run. This makes it ideal for offering young people offshore sailing, helping them to learn greater seamanship and sailing skills. The ship is expected to be in service for 40 years.

Find out more here in media releases

RN Peregrine Trophy for Cadet!

RN Peregrine Trophy for Cadet!


The winner of the Sea Cadet category in the Royal Navy’s prestigious Peregrine Trophy Award for photography is POC Tamysn, 17,  from Carlisle Unit for her amazing shot titled ‘Flying High with Sea Cadets’. Runner up and Highly Commended was Chris, 16 from Gosfoth Unit.

Tamsyn joined the other award winners last night at the presentation ceremony at the Royal College of Arts, Kensington, London where she received her certificate from the First Sea Lord Admiral Sir George Zambellas.

Each year the RN recognises excellence in photography with the Peregrine Photographic Awards and Sea Cadets have a special category. Any Sea Cadet or Royal Marines Cadet aged between 13 and 18 can take part by submitting an image that visually represents our ethos and values.

Head of the Royal Navy Photographic Branch, Captain Ian Stidston said:

“It’s been a fantastic competition and one that has demonstrated the exceptional talent and professionalism of the men and women of the Navy’s photographic branch – and also of those amateurs who have captured some outstanding imagery."

The Peregrine Trophy dates back to 1961 and is named after the HMS Peregrine Royal Naval Air Station in Sussex. The award’s primary purpose is to encourage the production of eye-catching, powerful imagery that can be used in the media to demonstrate the Royal Navy and Royal Marine’s operations.

Sea Cadets are honoured to be included in this wonderful RN event.

New Captain Sea Cadets

New Captain Sea Cadets


A Change of Command parade was held today to formally say goodbye to Captain Mark Windsor RN and welcome the new Captain Sea Cadets, Captain Jonathan Holloway RN.

Sea Cadets and volunteers from Kingston, Hornchurch & Upminster and Clacton lined the parade route while Herne Bay Sea Cadets band enterained guests.  Captain Windsor who has been in post since 2009, was presented with a copy of the Thames Diamond Jubilee River Pageant print by artist James Milroy, an event which Captain Windsor played a signifcant and inspirational role in, enabling Sea Cadets to earn the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Award, he also received a photobook of pictures from his career as CSC.  

Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day


Sea Cadets across the UK took part in Armed Forces Day celebrations through the last week of June.  Joining up with their cadet and sevices counterparts they took part in field gun races, helped out at stalls and showed the general public exactly what Sea Cadets is all about.

Sea Cadets in Cardiff were lucky enough to meet First Sea Lord & Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Sir George Zambellas KCB DSC ADC RN.  He took time out to speak to the cadets and volunteers and even to do a spot of flag waving!

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