
Amazing Session!

Amazing Session!

GREAT Sessions Last Night - it was great to be joined by cadets from

Slough Sea Cadets & Royal Marines Cadets


Sea Cadets Newbury


Great to learn of the 2 Cadets who are embarking on a career in the Royal Navy. Fantastic News!

Juniors were learning about Cardinal Marks and Navigational Buoys

Cadets were learning about RN & RM Ranks and Rates

Cadet 1s took in Times, Bells and Watches

Ordinary Cadets started their Leadership Project Plans - exciting stuff coming up.

#scccadetsathome #ironducks



Following a session on SCC History on Friday, take a look at this.

What do you think girls?

What a great evening!

What a great evening!

The Juniors had a session on Distress Signals, whilst the Cdts learnt about Sea Cadet History. In addition to this the Cdt 1sts learnt the Phonetic Alphabet and the OC's were doing Leadership Styles.

We were also really pleased to be joined by

Sea Cadets Newbury


Slough Sea Cadets & Royal Marines Cadets




HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US 🥳 164 years ago Sea Cadets was founded to help orphans who had lost their families to the Crimean war. Though a lot has changed since then, we still provide nautical adventure for young people in the UK, regardless of background. We have a huge range of modern courses for youth today, from sailing to catering!

Please support our emergency Covid-19 appeal so we can continue supporting young people:



Maidenhead Sea Cadets is looking for new Cadets!

If your child is between the ages of 10 & 18 and wants to commit to a new adventure, The Sea Cadet Corps is just the thing for them.

With a wide variety of courses and qualifications, opportunities to meet new friends and gain valuable life experiences we are just the thing for you.

If you are over the age of 18, why not become a volunteer member? It is up to the volunteers to give the cadets an experience they will never forget. With plenty of training to get you going, you too can be a valued member of Maidenhead Sea Cadets.

Due to COVID-19 we are currently holding virtual parade nights, however usually we parade at our Unit HQ in Mill Lane, alongside the River Thames, just over Maidenhead Bridge.

The virtual parade nights run from 6-9 on Tuesdays and Fridays with multiple sessions (Depending on age groups)

If this interests you, please feel free to drop a message to our Facebook page, or for more information visit

The Sea Cadets is a Nationally recognised voluntary youth cadet force who work in partnership with many organisation and deliver an experience built upon nautical adventure and fun, based on the customs and traditions of the Royal Navy. All cadet units are run as a charity so depend on fundraising activities to enable adventurous and maritime pursuits for local young people.


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