An absolutely fantastic night was had by all. The Ball raised over £2000. An excellent result, the funds will go towards improved river access.
An absolutely fantastic night was had by all. The Ball raised over £2000. An excellent result, the funds will go towards improved river access.
It was Maidenhead Unit's turn to host the parade around Maidenhead town. Everyone did really well and really set the bar for the other Units, and no-one hit the deck which is always a good thing.
The National Regatta has come around again. L/C Francis took part in Kayaking and gained 2 silver and 1 bronze medals, and the rowing handling team came 3rd. Well done guys :)
A week of acting like a pirate for all the cadets and staff at the unit. Making pirate ships out of the Trinitys and made sails out of bed sheets. Also did a treasure hunt on the islands on the river. A Fun week for all :)
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