POC Jackson and AC Cadman take part in the guard for Trafalgar Day Parade in London. The two represented TS Galloway in the Guard, made up of cadets from the North West Area and London Area. Both Cadets had to apply and undergo a selection weekend to be able to take part in the parade. The hard work did not stop there as both cadets travelled down to HMS Excellent in Portsmouth for 3 days of non stop drill practice before the actual parade.
MC Horn also represented TS Galloway by taking part in the North West Area physical training display team. As with POC Jackson and AC Cadman, MC Horn attended a selection weekend and then had 3 days of PT practice before the big day.
All cadets did TS Galloway proud and are an asset to the unit. BZ to you all!!
AC is the second cadet in on the second picture, MC horn is on the front row second from the left with his eyes half closed!!