At Salisbury we aim to give young people an experience that will help them grow into the person they want to be in a safe and friendly environment. Through various activities and adventures, we learn teamwork, respect, loyalty, self-confidence, commitment, self-discipline, honesty and how to be the best version of ourselves.
You learn life skills. I was 12, very quiet and shy. Cadets makes you find the confidence. You feel part of something special. Serafina, 15
We offer a range of different activities from sailing, windsurfing and powerboating - to rock climbing, camping, and music - plus, so much more! At Salisbury you are also able to gain different qualifications that you can take with you once you leave Sea Cadets!
"It makes me feel I can do things others can't. I don't want to stay in my house every day. I want to see how the world is."
Shaun, 13
It is our priority to make sure that Sea Cadets is a safe environment young people can go to, to be themselves. Click here to find out more about how we safeguard our young people.
Salisbury Sea Cadets is a youth organisation based in the heart of Salisbury that offers exciting opportunities for young people aged 10-18. We provide a safe and supportive environment where you can develop your confidence, leadership, and teamwork skills while participating in a wide range of activities, including sailing, rowing, windsurfing, and more.
We are a large unit of over 100 cadets, with aims to increase our contingent even further to ensure that as many young people as possible in Salisbury can enjoy the Sea Cadet experience.
The cost to cadets is kept to a minimum to encourage access for all. The current monthly cost for Salisbury Sea Cadets is £20.00 per month. This money is a contribution towards the operating costs of the charity, but other funds raised through specific activities and grants support the activities conducted by the unit.
Courses external from the unit may attract other course costs, however, these are kept as low as possible, again as a contribution to the overall activity cost.
Where this cost is a barrier to cadet involvement, financial help is available and can be provided to ensure no one is disadvantaged.
The unit parades on Monday and Thursday evenings from 1845 – 2115. Junior Sea Cadets (aged 10 – 11) attend one evening a week. Sea Cadets (aged 12 – 18 years) and Royal Marine Cadets (aged 13 – 18 years) may attend on both evenings.
Regular attendance is not mandatory and is as flexible around other commitments such as formal education. Regular attendance of at least one parade evening per week is encouraged to make the most of the sea cadet experience and progress through the cadet training programme.
For Sea Cadets (12 – 18 years) and Royal Marine Cadets (13 – 18 years), uniform is provided on loan from the unit, and because of this, the majority of the uniform is provided at no cost to the parents / guardians. The only exception to this are footwear, which must be purchased at a small cost.
For Junior Sea Cadets (10 – 11 years), the uniform is more basic to make its care for easier by the younger cadets. This uniform utilises the same trousers and shoes worn by the majority of local schools so there is no extra expense to parents, however the purchase of a few items (i.e. polo shirt, jumper, etc.) is required at the current cost of approximately £40.
No specific clothing and or equipment is required for any of the activities conducted by the organisation that is not provided by the unit.
Apart from age, there are no entry requirements, and our doors are open to all young people regardless of race, faith or background.
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