
T S Royalist April 2012

T S Royalist April 2012

A further three of our cadets took part in a sail on the TS Royalist over the period 15th to 20th April.

They sailed From Jersey to Weymouth

Further qualifications were obtained by the cadets as well as learning some of the rigors sailors endured during normal sailings on Tall Ships.

Well done to the three cadets


TS Royalist March 2012

TS Royalist March 2012

During the week 17th to 23rd March 2012 nine cadets from our Unit sailed on TS Royalist for a period of training and fun.

Parts of the costs were met from donations to the Unit from local organisations and charities and from bursaries from nautical organisations.

Hope all cadets enjoyed their time aboard and obtained some well earned qualifications.

Group photo of cadets shown.

Area Drill Competition 17-03-12

Area Drill Competition 17-03-12

The Cadets travelled down to HMS Raleigh over the weekend 16th-18th March to take part in the Area Drill Competition.

Although they excelled in the display their position of 6th did not show the amount of effort put into the weekend.

Congratulations on reaching this far in the event and for representing Warwickshire District.

The picture is of the Squad and staff.

Charity Car Wash 03-03-12

Charity Car Wash 03-03-12

Members of the P&SA together with cadets and Supporters took part in a Charity Car Wash on behalf of the unit.

The funds raised amounted to £230 which exceeded the previous two car wash events.

Many thanks to those who took part and to the members of the pubic who made donations following having their cars cleaned.

P&SA chairman and some cadets at work.


District Drill Competition 26-02-12

District Drill Competition 26-02-12

On Sunday 26th February Shirley and District Cadets took part in the District Drill competition, competing against 9 other units from around Warwickshire.

The Drill team made a clean sweep of all 3 trophies (Best Armed Guard, Best Dressed Guard, Best Guard Commander) and now go on to represent Warwickshire District at the area finals on 17th/18th March 2012 at HMS Raleigh.

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