
McMillan Coffee Evening 2017

McMillan Coffee Evening 2017

On Thursday 29th September 2017, Juniors invited other cadets, parents and Guardians to attend the Unit in their Community activity.
We would like to thank all the Parents & Guardians who attended and supported the Juniors in this activity. They managed to raise £92.60 towards the cause.
Prizes as follows:
Cake competition was won by Ethan Greenall.
Raffle wine - PO Fagan
Game - CI campaign
Game - JC Mather
Game - JC Jo
Book - OF Bailey
Toy - CPO Dillon
Congratulations to all ? #MacMillan



Well Done to all our Royal Marines Cadets on their efforts at CATSEA ?

(All Weapons training is completed under supervision and delivered by qualified adult volunteers)

Rewards for Recruitment ...

Rewards for Recruitment ...

After been very successful in the Area for Recruitment earlier in the year, we managed to secure a weekend at Crosby Boating Station as a prize. Cadets and Instructors took to the water, participating in Sailing, Kayaking and Powerboating.

Paws in the Park Recruitment Event 2017

Paws in the Park Recruitment Event 2017

On 17th September 2017, Cadets, Instructors and Committee all banded together to raise funds and recruit at the local Paws in the Park Event at Sherdley Park. We managed to raise a massive £110 and hope we have gained some new recruits along the way

Reliving the International Exchange Programme USA

Reliving the International Exchange Programme USA

MC2 Jones delivered a presentation of his journey and experiences of the International Exchange Programme 2017 on Thursday 21st July 2017. His travels around the United States has hopefully inspired some of our younger cadets to get applying for next year

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