
St Helens Sea Cadets now offering BTEC Level 1...

As part of the Cadet Training Programme, Cadets are now entitled as part of their promotion process to qualify for the BTEC Level 1 in Teamwork, Personal Skills & Citizenship in Youth Organisations (Uniformed). Ordinary Cadets Nelson, Appleton & O'Rourke have been awarded their qualifications at St Helens. Congratulations!

Presentation Evening 2016

To celebrate another successful year, TS Scimitar hosted a presentation evening on 22nd December 2016. A special Thank You to Lord Derby who presented the awards alongside our District Officer, LT CDR Chris Owens RNR. The awards are as follows:

Best New Entry/Recruit Award - CDT Callum Dean

Best Sea Cadet Award - OC Michael Appleton

Best Royal Marine Cadet Award - LCPL Eva Gibson

Best Junior Cadet Award - LJC William Appleton

Best Overall Cadet of the Year Award - OC Nathan O'Rourke

Best Adult Volunteer Award - A/PO Kevin Tinney

Additional Awards:

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award - CFC Megan Flynn

Junior Sports Leader Award - CDT Nathan Tinney & JC Jessica Fenney


The following cadets were promoted from New Entry to Cadet:
- Mia Smith
- Hollie Rhoden
- Bailey MCGibbon
- Jack McLoughlin
- Ryan Jackson

A massive thank you to everyone who has supported St Helens Sea Cadets throughout 2016!

Recruiting Royal Marines Cadet Instructors!

We are currently recruiting for Royal Marines Cadet Instructors at TS Scimitar! If you are 18 and above and interested in volunteering, please contact us for more information via our contact form. 

Samantha Thompson - Chairperson of St Helens...

On Thursday 25th August 2016, Samantha Thompson has sadly stepped down from the position of Chairperson at St Helens Sea Cadets. After a long 4 years in this position, Samantha has elevated St Helens Sea Cadets and Mill Street Barracks in many ways. Through continuous funding projects and driving restoration within the unit, Mill Street Barracks has been significantly improved. From projects such as the new Marine Engineering Classroom, Main Deck Restoration & new Accomodation block, Samantha has been driving the force behind this. We will certainly miss Samantha at St Helens Sea Cadets and we wish her all the best with her new Veterans project within the St Helens community. 

Annual General Meeting 2016 - Thursday 25th...

On Thursday 25th August 2016, St Helens Sea Cadets held the Annual General Meeting of 2016.

Sadly, Samantha Thompson has stepped down as Chairperson and has been replaced by Denise Bull for 2016 onwards. Pauline Wardropper has also stepped down from the Committee. Both members will be missed at St Helens Sea Cadets and we wish you all the best in the future.

We also have new appointments of Hannah Cowell as Secretary & Jackie Ward as Treasurer. Good luck in your new positions!

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