
Gold Burgee Award 2024

Gold Burgee Award 2024

We are delighted to announce that St Helens Sea Cadets has been awarded a Golden Burgee for our efforts in the past year!

This award indicates growth in all areas of the cadet experience, Junior Sea Cadets, Sea Cadets and our brand new Royal Marines Cadets!

Thank you to all our cadets and staff who made this possible.

We are still actively recruiting 10-18 year olds to join us! Please get in touch or drop us a message if you’d like more information!

RMC Grand Opening Evening 2024

RMC Grand Opening Evening 2024

On Thursday 9th May we had our Royal Marines Cadets official detachment grand opening!

Cadets took part in numerous training activities for our RMC grand open evening. Some of these include: Cam and Concealment, Movement without Personal Weapons and Big Battleships.

On the night various cadets also received awards.

- Multiple juniors received awards for attending their attendance to courses they have been on.

- JC’s Sophie and Victor were promoted to leading junior cadet.

- MC Luke was presented by the SSO North West with the best Royal Marines Cadet trophy which will now be awarded at our annual awards night.

Thank you to everyone that attended and made the night happen 😁

Chocolate Bingo 2024

Chocolate Bingo 2024

On Thursday 28 March 2024, the Unit hosted a Chocolate Bingo evening for all to raise valuable funds required for restoration work on the building. Overall, a very successful night. Thank you to everyone who attended. 

Cadet Forces Medal 🎖️

Cadet Forces Medal 🎖️

Congratulations to S/Lt (SCC) James Dillon RNR who has been awarded his Cadet Forces Medal for 12+ years service to the Sea Cadets. Well Done Sir!

NWA Drill & Piping Competition 2024

NWA Drill & Piping Competition 2024

A big well done to our piping team who took part in the North West Area Drill & Piping competition earlier today and placed 3rd 🥉

Another big well done to everyone else who took part today 👏👏

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