Tewkesbury Unit Celebrate
Trafalgar 210
in Style!
With a Gala Mess Dinner held at the historic Gupshill Manor Hotel (the Manor was in the thick of the Battle of Tewkesbury in the Civil War).
The Dinner was attended by 70 guests including, unit staff, committee and partners, a Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Gloucestershire; The Town Mayor of Tewkesbury and members of the Council, with Sea Cadet Staff not only from other units in the district, but as far away as Avon, Somerset & South Wales.
The real stars of the evening were of course the Cadets, who not only performed the duties of stewards superbly, but performed all the traditional duties of Piping VIP’s aboard; with drummers ‘Beating to Quarters’ and stewards ‘Parading the Beef ‘, escorted by Chief Steward A/C Sam Bailey, complete with Cutlass!! The Mess President; Lt Ron Matthews savoured the offering, and duly reported to the Commanding Officer Sub Lt Tristan Cooper that the beef was ‘fit for human consumption’!
During the meal short passages were read tracing the progress of the battle by members of unit staff. The VIP guest, Lieutenant Commander (SCC) Jay Bedow RNR; Area Recreation Officer proposed the toast to the Immortal Memory with an interesting and amusing speech appreciated by all.
The Occasion provided an ideal opportunity to present to Mr ‘Ted’ Keeper the Captain Sea Cadets award for long and meritorious service to the unit. ‘Ted’, an ex fleet air arm pilot (flying the famous Swordfish aircraft) has been an enthusiastic member of the unit committee for 35 years, and is loved and respected by all. The presentation was made by the Tewkesbury Unit Chairman, Mrs Sarah Griffiths to a standing ovation from all guests. At the end of the meal the battle was re-fought with vigorous exchanges of fire with party poppers and flying balloons!!
The Success of the evening was crowned by an addition to unit funds from a raffle and auction held at the end which will go towards the funding of a new engine for the units safety boat.