
Community Event's

21 June 2023

Sunday 25th June TS Sherbourne will be helping out with a local community event, all information is below, pictures to follow   



Congratulations Mr Cashmore

23 May 2023

TS Sherbourne Celebrated Mr Paul Cashmore recieving the Birmingham Lord Mayor's Award for 35 years Volunteering Service for the Sea Cadet's

Congratulations Mr C- The Unit is so lucky to have you! 

Guinness World Record

8 May 2023

On the 8th May 2023, TS Sherbourne was represented by Junior Cadet Coley, as the Sea Cadets accros the country triumphantly set a new Guinness World Record for “the world’s largest ships whistle lesson” with approximately 400 cadets, volunteers, and members of the public participating in the harmonious piping event.


Kings Coronation Celebration

Kings Coronation Celebration

CORONATION SPECIAL Any coronation is a special event, but the recent crowning of King Charles III turned out to be extra special for TS Sherbourne when one of our own received an invite to represent Sea Cadets at the King’s Coronation.

Out of thousands of cadets across the country, Able Cadet Ethan Lee was

selected to join a small number of other sea cadets on the historic day and be

part of the military procession between Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey.

Each of the six sections that make up the Cadet Forces; the Sea Cadet Corps, Royal Marine Cadets, Air Training Corps, Army Cadet Force, Combined Cadet Force and Volunteer Cadet Corps were part of the procession for the new King.

OIC Lt. Smith (RNR) comment: “It’s great to see one of our own being part of such an historic occasion. For AC Lee it was the experience of a lifetime. He was a credit to the Unit, himself and his family”.

Sunday 7th May saw Sherbourne’s cadets, family and supporters celebrating the King’s Coronation. We had a good turn out for a fun day which saw us raise £366.50 for unit funds. The day included food, raffles and a number of fun activities for the whole family.

Thanks must go to all the adult volunteers who helped run the event and were great sports on the day – running the galley, the tombola, raffle, going in the stocks, splat-a-rat, hook-a-duck and the bouncy castle to name just some of the actvities.

Thanks also for the very generous donations we received of food as well as prizes for our raffle and tombola.

Finally, thanks to our families, supporters and neighbours who helped make the day such a success and for bringing the sunshine as well. We’ll be holding a summer event so, please keep an eye out for details. Also look out for details of our upcoming presentations’ evening when we will celebrate the achievements of our cadets over the past 12 months


St. George’s Day Parade

23 April 2023

Well done to all our cadets who were on parade at this year’s St. George’s Day service in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter.

Our thanks to the City’s Lord Mayor, Councillor Maureen Cornish, who spent time with our cadets to thank them for their efforts.

Birmingham (Sherbourne)'s Photo Gallery

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