
Promotions March 2023

Promotions March 2023

Back in march, some of our cadets recieved thier promotions, CONGRATULATIONS all on your hard work.

Watch this space for more promotions and achievments 


1 March 2023

We are pleased to announce that Lt (SCC) Adrian Smith RNR has been appointed as the new Officer-in-Charge at Birmingham Sherbourne Sea Cadets. Lt. Smith has many years’ experience with the Sea Cadet and has been a long-time friend of TS Sherbourne.

Following his appointment he said: “Firstly I’d like to thank CPO Sajid for stepping up over the past few months, he and the rest of the team have done a fantastic job. I look forward to working with him and the capable team at TS Sherbourne to develop the unit and make a difference to our cadets”.


19 February 2023

The Sea Cadets hold regular competitions at a number of levels and recently Sherbourne cadets have enjoyed participating in the district football competition and the Annual Drill and Piping competition. Drill and ceremonial are a big part of the cadet experience and helps a cadet develop selfdiscipline and confidence. All those who participated worked hard and they did themselves and the unit proud with their efforts. All cadets are encouraged to take part in competitions and would speak to a member of staff to find out more.

Shining Stars at Area Drill Competition

Shining Stars at Area Drill Competition

Congratulations to the Continuity Drill Team for winning Silver Medals at the South West Area Drill and Piping Competition on Saturday 17th Matrch. 

Pictured with their coach Petty Officer (SCC) Becky Handley, the team had 2 weeks notice to put a full 8 minute routine together and they really stepped up to the mark practising at every opportunity in addition to normal parade days. Their hard work paid off with a second place medal and a benchmark to aim for next year.

Well done all, we are so proud of your achievement. 



National Bronze for 'Shertelfing' Junior Girls!

National Bronze for 'Shertelfing' Junior Girls!

What an achievement, the blended team of Sherbourne, Telford and Stirling Junior Girls have this weekend taken the Bronze medal at the Nartional 5 A Side Football Competition. Now nicknamed 'Shertelfing' the girls have battled teams from all over the country over the 2 days to come away with a very respectable 3rd Prize and the pride of their respective units.

A well earned rest and some major treats are sure to be on the agenda for the next few days, pity it's back to school tomorrow!

Well done girls :0)

Birmingham (Sherbourne)'s Photo Gallery

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