
We are BACK! Absolutely BUZZING!

We are BACK! Absolutely BUZZING!

We are BACK! Absolutely BUZZING!

Tonight we return to face to face training!

Emails have been sent to parents/guardians.

Cadets please wrap up warm as we shall be outside for a lot of the session.


Happy Birthday to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

Happy Birthday to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

Happy Birthday to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

This photo was published in the April 1944 edition of the Sea Cadet Magazine on the occasion of the then Princess Elizabeth's 21st Birthday. Dressed in the uniform of a Sea Ranger.

RIP Prince Phillip

RIP Prince Phillip

Rest in Peace your Royal Highness



It’s been a great Easter already for 1 of our volunteers who has been recognised for his hard work.

PPO Myles was successful in passing the Basic Leadership Course. He will now be promoted to PO with immediate effect.

A lot of hard work and development has gone into completing all basic training so we as a Unit are super proud of your achievement.

Very Well Done and Congratulations on your Promotion!

#volunteersmakeithappen #betterneverstops #adultdevelopment #ironducks



We are delighted to announce that Cadets Andrew and Tasha are now to be known as:

- Petty Officer Cadet Andrew

- Leading Cadet Tasha

After a long period of both virtual and face to face training, these 2 cadets have worked tirelessly in their efforts to become the Senior Cadets of our Unit, and passed their promotion boards over the weekend.

For POC Andrew it is the highest rank a cadet can achieve and he becomes the first POC in the Unit in over 2 years.

For LC Tasha she becomes the first female LC in the Unit in over 2 years.

Both cadets have achieved their respective ranks at the earliest possible time in the Sea Cadet Experience

We are all so super proud of you both!

Very well done and congratulations!


#youngleaders #ironducks

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