

5 January 2021

Looking forward to seeing you all this evening as we return Virtually!

All Login details have been sent to Parents.

See you soon


Lt Mike Prince (SCC) RNR

1 January 2021

It is with regret and sadness that Mike passed away this Morning after a short battle with cancer.

Mike was a very active Communications Instructor at both Henley and Maidenhead Units, however moved to West Wales 10 years ago.

Very professional and an excellent role model to many young people, he could often be found opening the unit on a Sunday so cadets could practise their Radio Communications skills, or there undertaking odd jobs encouraging young people to do the same.

Mike was a true gentleman and those that served or learnt from him will have very fond memories.




Maidenhead Sea Cadets are delighted to announce that we have officially received confirmation that Planning Permission has been GRANTED!

This means that we have permission to build a new Unit! So, whilst 2020 may have not been a great year, we can definitely look forward to the future with smiles and excitement. There are not enough words to express how this feels.

So much has gone in to getting it to this stage and we can now get very serious in our fundraising efforts and start moving the project forwards.

Below is on of the snapshots of the proposed plans.

Happy New Year Everyone!

#newbuild #seacadetsuk #ironducks



I am pleased to announce that we we have received our efficiency award for 2020.

This is for the 2019/20 year, running from May to May, including the first 6 weeks of the lockdown which started in March, and our CV19 response.

We are extremely delighted and proud that Maidenhead Sea Cadets have achieved Burgee status for a 6th year in a row, but this year with the additional award of a Captain Sea Cadets commendation!!!

Together this is the highest efficiency award a Unit can be given.

Accompanying this was a Southern Area Commendation recognising our CV19 response, and for our general enthusiasm in getting Face to Face activity back up and running as soon as we could, being one of the first Units in the Country to do so.

This is a huge achievement and all are congratulated, you should all be very proud.

As soon as the government advice is clear and we have received directive to be able to return to training, we will share with you all!

In the meantime enjoy the fact that 2019/2020 was a huge success and we will look to 2021 with a hope it will be better than the last 9 months.

There is so much to look forward to and another announcement to come before the year is out.....

Commanding Officer

#burgee #csccommendation #IronDucks #proud

*** Announcement ***

*** Announcement ***

We’re delighted to have received funding from the UK Youth Fund: Covid Relief 🥳 This funding will help support our work and deliver more positive activities for young people!

The impact of the pandemic has had a devastating impact on young people and the safe spaces which support them. We are thrilled that we can continue our work which has never been more needed. #StandWithYouth #CommunitiesCan

UK Youth

@DCMS @PearsFoundation @phf_uk

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