Well done to everyone from Maidenhead who took part last night! Good to see things like this happen #teamberkshire
Well done to everyone from Maidenhead who took part last night! Good to see things like this happen #teamberkshire
This looks amazing!!!!! Contact the UTO or comment below if interested.
Contact the Unit Training Officer on utomaidenheadscc@gmail.com if you want to take part in this.
Any cadets and staff fancy a challenge why not download the Boat Master App
Boat Master is a boat navigation and berthing (parking) simulator game where players have to berth different boats in varying conditions. It is designed to replicate the controls and conditions of berthing and navigating a real boat in a marina and coastal channels (rivers and bays) as closely as possible it’s a great app to download !
Great to see so many cadets back with us this evening. Only got the one photo of later on in the session but this was so much fun! 'How many Hats????'
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