This week volunteers have been busy by:
- making vital Building adjustments to the Unit - a surprise will be waiting for you when we return!
- removing boats from the water ready to be fixed and surveyed in time for boating season
- Prepping and assigning our boating river licenses (44 needed to be laminated).
- Attending a D of E Expedition Supervisors and Assessors course (3)
- Attending a Unit Training Officers training and good practised course (1)
- Attending a Juniors Training Officers good practise spotlight meeting (1)
- Attending a First Aid at Work Revalidation course (1)
- Supporting District Virtual Training (and winning the Kahoot quiz)
- Planning for next weeks virtual delivery
- Having a Birthday
- Having an Ankle an Operation
- Attending an Annual Review Presentation
- Making nautical pancakes
- Getting outside in the fresh air once a day as part of the Physically Active Challenge
Wow! So much for a week off!