
Busy Ducks!

Busy Ducks!

This week volunteers have been busy by:

- making vital Building adjustments to the Unit - a surprise will be waiting for you when we return!

- removing boats from the water ready to be fixed and surveyed in time for boating season

- Prepping and assigning our boating river licenses (44 needed to be laminated).

- Attending a D of E Expedition Supervisors and Assessors course (3)

- Attending a Unit Training Officers training and good practised course (1)

- Attending a Juniors Training Officers good practise spotlight meeting (1)

- Attending a First Aid at Work Revalidation course (1)

- Supporting District Virtual Training (and winning the Kahoot quiz)

- Planning for next weeks virtual delivery

- Having a Birthday

- Having an Ankle an Operation

- Attending an Annual Review Presentation

- Making nautical pancakes


- Getting outside in the fresh air once a day as part of the Physically Active Challenge

Wow! So much for a week off!

#ironducks #volunteersmakeithappen

Pancake Day!

Pancake Day!

What a great effort to Everybody who made Pancakes this week. Some really fascinating creations including a Canoe, an SCC Beret to a pancake Aircraft Carrier and Submarine scene!

Incredible effort all!

#ironducks #nauticalpancakes

Calling all Juniors!

15 February 2021
Pancake Day!

Pancake Day!

Berkshire District!

Berkshire District!

If this is of interest for you please feel free to get in touch if you match the criteria.

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