


A big congratulations to Cpl Cody on his promotion today!

After lots of studying and also during his exams he has managed to pass the Corporal promotion board this weekend.

Cpl Cody has become one the first Cadet Corporal of Maidenhead Sea Cadets’ Royal Marine Cadet Detachment since reopening in 2022….And just so happened fall on our Royal Marine Cadet Detachment first year anniversary.

The Unit and volunteers are very proud.



Maidenhead Sea Cadets Royal Naval Parade

Maidenhead Sea Cadets Royal Naval Parade

RNP Success!

Wow! What a fantastic evening our Royal Naval Parade was!

Despite the weather turning us to our alternate plans, the cadets were excellent in showcasing their cadet experiences.

We started with Ceremonial Colours and Inspections with Southern Area Sea Cadets Area Officer Cdr Trevor Price RN speaking with every cadet.

This followed by a few presentations by POC Tash (Berkshire District Sea Cadets Senior Cadet), POC Safron and JCFC Atharva.

The Juniors then demonstrated a new STEM session whilst the RMCD had some fun getting parents and cadets trying out the contents of a 24hr ration pack.

The evening also saw 2 special presentations with the first to former CO and current DDO, Lt Cdr (SCC) Richard O’Keeffe RNR, who was presented with his 5th clasp to his Long Service medal to signify 40 years of volunteering with the Sea Cadets.

Outgoing CO Lt (SCC) Chris Edge RNR, was then presented with a Certificate of Appreciation in what will be his last RNP at the Unit.

Lastly, the evening concluded with the Unit being awarded with a Burgee.

Excellent evening - excellent showcasing of skills - excellent Unit.



King's Coronation

King's Coronation

POC Tasha was selected to be one of only 30 in the whole of Sea Cadets who were invited to officially attend the coronation parade.

She viewed the parade from a special cadet forces spectator area at Admiralty Arch.

BZ Tash

God Save The King


*** Queen’s Platinum Jubilee ***

*** Queen’s Platinum Jubilee ***

POC Andrew had the amazing opportunity to represent the Unit and Berkshire District Sea Cadets having been invited to go on Gloriana as it made its way down the Thames as part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.

Well Done Andrew!


Royal Marines Cadets


Maidenhead Sea Cadets are delighted to announce that we will be opening a Royal Marines Cadets Section from the 17th May 2022.


For further info, Or if interested in joining, please contact

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