
Interesting letter

17 July 2018

Today we received a letter from the Prime Minister Theresa May congratulating us on our success at the Regatta, Go us!

#IronDucks #Winning

Area paddlesport regatta

15 July 2018

After another long and hot day for the second weekend in a row! The Southern Area paddlesport results are...


Open girls 2K single- 1st 

Open girls 2K double-1st

Open girls 500m single-1st

Open girls 500m double-1st

Open girls overall trophy- 1st

Junior girls 2K single- 2nd

Junior girls 500m single- 2nd

Junior girls 500m double- 2nd

Junior boys 500m double- 3rd

Open boys 2K double- 3rd

Overall paddlesport trophy-Berkshire 1st


We just missed out on a medal for the canoe cross stream challenge with a 4th place.


But what a day for Maidenhead and Berkshire district.

Yet again you have made us all very proud!

Congratulations to everybody that got medals and even got through to nationals what a day in the office!

BZ all!!!


Area Rowing and Power boating

8 July 2018

After a long and tiring day at the southern area rowing regatta the results are as follows..

Open Girls - 3rd
Junior Junior Crew - 3rd
Power boat handling - 3rd

The Junior boys team just missed out on medals but did incredibly well!

The staff are extremely proud of each and everyone of you. Well done!

BZ all!!!!!!

Newest addition to the Edgie familie

6 July 2018

A massive congratulations from all of us at Maidenhead Sea Cadets to our Commanding officer S/Lt (SCC) Edge and his wife Sam on the birth of your baby girl... cannot wait to meet her!!


Armed forces day 2018

25 June 2018

APO (SCC) Myles, LC Myles and CDT Hoad all attended the raising of the flag ceremony at the town hall today where they paid their respects for the men and women past and present who have fought for our country and protected our freedom and allowed us to be where we are today.

we will rememeber them!

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