
CDT Harvey

1 May 2018

Massive well done to CDT Harvey who decided to mark his 13th Birthday by cutting his hair that he'd been growing for ages and donating it to the Little Princess Trust.

The Little Princess Trust provides real hair wigs free of charge to children and young adults up to the age of 24, who have sadly lost their own hair due to cancer treatment and other illnesses.


adult achievements

29 April 2018

loads of adults away training this weekend, with alot of core modules ticked and an all new SCC first aid instructor...

BZ all!!!

Cadet Drill Instructors

14 April 2018

Regarded as one of the most difficult courses the sea cadets run, POC Jade and LC's Ryan and Tempany all went away for a week at portsmouth to attend one of the two courses held each year and POC Jade and LC Ryan off the back of their very successful promotion boards as well as LC Tempany have all passed with flying colours...

Congratulations POC Jade, LC Tempany and LC Ryan who have spent the week away working hard and doing what they do best and for having passed this morning, with POC Jade achieving the highest mark on the course.

wow... well done you three and well done to PO (SCC) Becca Hearn for shaping these three into the best drill instrutors you could and for preparing them for the course beforehand!


POC/LC promotion board

8 April 2018

LC Jade and AC Ryan both attended the advancment board this weekend run from longmoor but hosted by woking...

and the results are in....

The Unit is incredibly Proud to now refer to them as POC Jade and LC Ryan.

Following a very demanding and tough Advancement Board weekend, held across Longmoor Camp and Woking Sea Cadet Unit, these 2 Cadets showcased their skills to prove why they should be a Leading Cadet and a Petty Officer Cadet.

POC Jade is also the first female POC the Unit has had since 2013!

Very well done indeed.


april presentations 2018

7 April 2018

starting off with a very good standard of dress in the inspections and then with the juniors... JC Charlotte, JC Josh, JC Harley and JC Kiera all recieve their red module badge and also all get promoted to JCFC... LJC Oliver recieved his yellow module... LJC Rihanna recieved her yellow module leading onto the commodores board pennant, the highest acheivement an junior can acheive... CDT Harvey recieved his first aid 3rd class and CDT Nathan and CDT Aimee were both promoted to CFC... very well done all!!!


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