The unit and its cadets and staff have had a very busy November this year with poppy selling with the Royal British Legion (the RBL) for the poppy appeal, remembrance Sunday and the monthly blues parade and awards and even a visit from the prime minister during an event at the town hall.
The cadets spent two weekends poppy selling helping to raise a lot of money for the cause that is the poppy appeal and during the second weekend on Saturday before remembrance Sunday on armistice day itself AC Ryan and S/LT (SCC) Chris Edge RNR together represented the unit and the SCC in Maidenhead with AC Ryan carrying the unit standard (unit flag) and even getting a selfie with the prime minister.
Remembrance Sunday, the cadets and staff showed their utmost gratitude and respect for the men and women of the armed forces past and present who have fought for our country and have protected our freedom which we take for granted in today’s way of life, the cadets also looked smart and seamanlike in the uniform which the navy wear as well and showed that not only do we wear the uniform with pride but we also wear the uniform for all the right reasons.
Awards night: starting off we had AC Max marching on NEC Jacob and NEC Harrison who read the SCC promise and received their caps and were promoted to CDT Jacob and CDT Harrison, CDT Nathan and OC Smith received their 2nd class first aid and CDT Harry received his 3rd class first aid.
great effort this month to everyone... BZ to those who have acheived something this month!!