
happy new year!!!

1 January 2018

Happy new year to everyone including all cadets and adult volunteers, parents and supporters and everyone that has helped us out in some way or supported the unit and our antics throughout the year… here’s to 2017 and here’s to 2018 with lots of exciting things to come.


december awards, presentations and end of year fun

19 December 2017

We start off with Decembers awards and presentations with AC Ryan and NEC’s Harvey and Poppy who marched on very well and looking good in their new ones and after reading the sea cadet promise received their caps and were promoted to CDT’s, OC Ellie and OC James were promoted to AC after months of hard work and CDT Nathan receiving his youth first aid certificate.

Next was the mess dinner, cadets came all dressed up looking very smart and enjoyed a Christmas style dinner cooked by the very kind volunteers of the UMT and a few parents as well. After a very busy year with a lot of achievements, promotions and qualifications a nice sit-down dinner where cadets could socialise and have a bit of fun out of the norm of parade nights the hard working cadets and adult volunteers were due a bit of a blow out which leads me to the last night of the year…

From a minion to John wick… the cadets arrive again dressed up but this time slightly differently dressed up. For a night of fun, cadets dressed as giant bananas, minions, john wick and even Indiana jones. Cadets played a mixture of different party games and just generally had a great time, as we send off 2017 on the last night of the year with a bit of fun and games

November 2017

30 November 2017

The unit and its cadets and staff have had a very busy November this year with poppy selling with the Royal British Legion (the RBL) for the poppy appeal, remembrance Sunday and the monthly blues parade and awards and even a visit from the prime minister during an event at the town hall.

The cadets spent two weekends poppy selling helping to raise a lot of money for the cause that is the poppy appeal and during the second weekend on Saturday before remembrance Sunday on armistice day itself AC Ryan and S/LT (SCC) Chris Edge RNR together represented the unit and the SCC in Maidenhead with AC Ryan carrying the unit standard (unit flag) and even getting a selfie with the prime minister.

Remembrance Sunday, the cadets and staff showed their utmost gratitude and respect for the men and women of the armed forces past and present who have fought for our country and have protected our freedom which we take for granted in today’s way of life, the cadets also looked smart and seamanlike in the uniform which the navy wear as well and showed that not only do we wear the uniform with pride but we also wear the uniform for all the right reasons.

Awards night: starting off we had AC Max marching on NEC Jacob and NEC Harrison who read the SCC promise and received their caps and were promoted to CDT Jacob and CDT Harrison, CDT Nathan and OC Smith received their 2nd class first aid and CDT Harry received his 3rd class first aid.

great effort this month to everyone... BZ to those who have acheived something this month!!

Petchey trip

28 October 2017

With 4 of 7 units in the district making up the majority of the numbers and only 1 from outside the district taking part and S/LT (SCC) Chris Edge RNR getting his male supervisor under his belt the cadets as well as the staff had a great week away on T.S. Jack Petchey.

Starting off the week with a bang, Cdt Jacob and OC Ellie help out with the lifejacket demonstrations with Cdt Jacob having one activated whilst on him, cadets learned basic navigation skills, map reading and plotting courses, basic engine maintenance, keeping lookout on one of the bridge wings and even had AC Myles and LC Peter from Reading unit learning morse code in their free time with the help of S/LT (SCC) Chris Edge RNR.

Lord Lieutenant Cadet LC Jade

28 September 2017

LC Jade has just been named the all new lord lieutenants’ cadet for the district after many interviews and a hard selection process, for the next year she will serve as a helper for the lord lieutenant and represent the SCC in front of many people at many events and may even get to meet a few members of the royal family while doing so. I’m sure she will get many great opportunities with this and get to meet many different important people.
Well done Jade I hope you enjoy your year of service to the lord lieutenant.



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