
National football 2018

25 February 2018

AC Ryan, AC Max and CDT Nathan all headed with the windsor boys to the national football competition this weekend and this is how it panned out...

After a 4-2 loss to London Area, the boys dusted themselves down and won their 2nd game against South West Area 8-0. This was swiftly followed by a tight victory over Northern Ireland 4-3.

The boys headed into the semi-finals not knowing what to expect but won! the boys make it into the final after winning 3-1 in the semis well done... finals on sunday...

The final was held on the sunday and the boys were extremely nervous but kept their cool, they headed into the final confident and came out victorious a 6-3 win sees them win gold at the national competition... well done boys fabulous result, BZ all!!!!!!

District drill and piping 2018

12 February 2018

Well done to everyone who took part in the Berskhire District Drill and Piping Competition yesterday!

Another excellent result for TS Iron Duke!

1st Place in the Armed Guard
1st Place for Best Guard Commander
1st Place in the Colour Party Competition
2nd Place in Team Piping
2nd & 4th Places for the Individual Pipers

Thank you to all the Volunteers who helped organise and run the weekend, and a special thank you to PO (SCC) Hearn who took the lead on Training and to all the other adult volunteers who helped train or support in some way.

Lastly thank you to all the cadets who stepped up to take part.

The area competition will be on the 11th March at RAF Halton again.

BZ All!!!!!!

February 2018 presentations

3 February 2018

LC Tempany brings on NEC William to be enrolled and promoted to CDT, JC Danny and JC Molly receive their blue module for waterborne activities and therefor get promoted to JCFC,  AC James receives his youth first aid certificate, OC Ella gets promoted to AC and receives her certificate from CVQO (cadet vocational qualification organisation) for a level 1 BTEC in teamwork, personal skills and citizenship in uniformed youth organisations 


Area football competition

28 January 2018

AC Ryan and CDT Nathan have Won the Southern Area Senior Boys Football Competition along with the boys from Windsor, going unbeaten throughout the whole competiton. Awesome result! Well done to the Boys of Windsor and Maidenhead - off to nationals in 3 weeks time.

The senior girls - a team made up of LC Jade, Windsor and Henley - despite valiant efforts were unable to qualify for the semi finals.
But all in all a great day. Well done all!!!


january 2018

7 January 2018

With the first event of the year being the swimmarathon a large number of cadets and staff collectively raised a lot of money for the unit and for the lions club and put in a great effort to swim and get over 100 lengths collectively well done all!!!

The day after the swimmarathon we had the district football competition where senior boys came 2nd… senior girls came 2nd and junior boys came 1st with AC Ryan and CDT Nathan due to join Windsor as a district entry for area and LC Jade and LC Chloe from Windsor who played for us at district due to do the same with Henley unit. off to are in couple of weeks...

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