
Area Drill Competition and POC Success!

WOW!!!! What an amazing, yet another busy weekend for T.S. Iron Duke!

We achieved 5th place in the Southern Area Armed Squad Competition today, the first time in this event for 5 years. Competition was very high but great for us to experience the occasion and witness some incredible drill!

Additionally LC George travelled to SCTC Caledonia (in Scotland) and successfully passed his Activity First Aid course/1st Class. As a result we will now be able to rate him up to Petty Officer Cadet - the first to achieve this in our Unit since 2014!!!

Very very proud of all of your achievements.

#teammaidenhead #itspossible


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Well we are finally done after a long day at the district drill competition. Fantastic effort and really high standards set by all those who turned up to compete.

Once again we showed how well Maidenhead work as a team by taking first place in the Armed Guard, Best Guard Commander, First place in Team Piping and First place in the individual Piping, with a close Second in the Colour Party competitions.

Thank you to all the staff who helped throughout the day this cannot be done without you and a special thank you to PO Hearn who trained the Colour and Guard teams, as well as giving up more time for preparations and training.

The cadets should be very proud of themselves as the Unit are!

Only four weeks till the area competition. So lots of training to be had, please remember to let us on Tuesday whether you can make the 18th and 19th of March.

Well Done all!


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Image may contain: 6 people, people standing

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For all of you who are unsure of where your badges go, take a look below!






FRIDAY 17th - The unit will be open from 11:00 onwards (until the end of the unit night). As it is half term if anybody would like to come down for extra practise and help with preparation then please do so. Bring Lunch or Dinner as appropriate
SATURDAY 18th - THE DAY BEFORE THE COMPETITION. There will be training from 10:00 - 16:00 which will be the last training session before the big day. We would like as many people as possible to attend. Bring Lunch or food as appropriate
SUNDAY 19th - DAY OF Competition - Minibus will leave between 0800/0815 Sunday morning and should return no later than 1600. Packed Lunches are required but there will be a tea/coffee, stand easy caddy being run. Arrive at the Unit dressed in 4s.
UNIFORM - We would like all uniform handed in to the unit by the end of Friday night, ready to go. We will load the Trailer on Saturday to transport it all and speed the process up on sunday.
Any questions please ask.



Congratulations to all of the Cadets who were recently awarded their badges and promotions.


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