

Wow what an incredible weekend display by the Unit.

Overall Results are:

Open Boys Paddlesport - 1st
Open Girls Paddlesport - 1st
Junior Girls Paddlesport - 2nd (only entered 3 races of 4)
Junior Boys Paddlesport - 4th (only entered 1 race of 4)
Cross Stream Challenge - 3rd
Power Boat Handling - 2nd 
Rowing Boat Handling - 2nd
Open Boys Yole - 2nd
Open Girls Yole - 1st
Open Mixed Yole - 1st
Junior Junior Rowing - 1st and 3rd
Open Boys Rowing - 3rd
Open Girls Rowing - 1st (Breaking at least a 10 year stronghold on the event)

A massive thank you to all the cadets who entered and all the adults who helped train, transport and support the cadets - including a very supportive parental contingent.

This is what it is all about - working together to give these young people a real head start in life through nautical adventure and fun.

Following a large entry to the Regatta it is Very pleasing to have a unit full of cadets who are highly skilled across the board, which reflects the units adaptability and consistency in multiple disciplines.

Thank you and well done.

The unit has an immensely proud Commanding Officer.


#dabdab #ironducks


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Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor, nature and water

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Image may contain: 2 people, outdoor, water and nature

Image may contain: people sitting, outdoor, water and nature




The Duck Derby and Family Fun Day is an annual event that has been organised by the Lions Club of Maidenhead for many years. This year the event will took place on Sunday 21st May, as ever on Ray Mill Island (a little known oasis reached by a small bridge adjacent to the Boulters Lock Hotel).

The event features Fun Fair attractions, Punch & Judy, Stalls galore with games of skill and chance and things to buy, Children’s Duck Hunt with prizes for various age groups, Tombolas and Food & Ice Cream.

The event finishes at 4.30pm with a Duck Race of 3,400 plastic ducks on the River Thames as a novel way to draw a raffle with 3 substantial cash prizes. Entrance to the venue is free.

Maidenhead Sea Cadets release the ducks and then collect them in what is usually a fun, action packed day on the water, allowing for vital training and recruitment opportunities.

This year we were out in Kayaks, Rowing Boats and Power Boats in what was one of quickest sweep ups ever!

The PSA ran a hook a duck competition and the Fire and Rescue boat made an appearance giving our volunteers and cadets a bit more of added excitement!

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, outdoor, water and natureImage may contain: 3 people, outdoor and waterImage may contain: outdoor, water and nature

Image may contain: people sitting, tree, outdoor, nature and waterImage may contain: tree, outdoor, water and nature

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, plant and outdoor






Dear T.S. Iron Duke Alumni

Please find attached your invitation to celebrate the units 75th anniversary.

Even if you can't make it please share this and invite anyone in your friends that are known to the unit or are previous cadets, committee members, or extended families of past cadets.
Everyone is welcome please please please spread the word make this one of the biggest event Iron Duke has hosted.
Please visit the Facebook group to share your photos, stories and memories.
Yours Aye 

S/Lt (SCC) Chris Edge RNR - Commanding Officer
Mr Andrew Adamson - Chairman
Maidenhead Sea Cadets | Training Ship Iron Duke | Gas Wharf | Mill Lane | Taplow | Maidenhead | SL6 0AD


Maidenhead Sea Cadet Unit has been awarded the Top Proficiency a Sea Cadet Unit can earn (A Burgee), following their Royal Naval Parade on Tuesday 2nd May.

The evening began with a traditional ceremonial colours and prayers routine, with an inspection of the Guard of honour by CDR Trevor Price RN, Southern Area Sea Cadets’ Area Officer.

This was shortly followed by a number of different presentations and activities by the cadets, as they showcased everything they have been involved with over the past year and everything a Sea Cadet can expect to enjoy as part of T.S. Iron Duke. This included things such as Drill and Ceremonial, Boating, Community Activities, First Aid, D of E and many many more.

Finally, the evening ended with some individual presentations to some of the Cadets, of which was Leading Cadet George, who was promoted to the highest cadet rank possible – a Petty Officer Cadet – an incredible achievement given that there are only 13 in the whole of the South East of England.

The unit was praised for its dedication, growth, as well as the variety of activities on offer at a local level and the steady improvements it had made throughout the year.

Also in attendance to witness the event was a host of parents, local school representatives and the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of RBWM, Cllr John Lenton and his wife Margaret.

S/Lt (SCC) Chris Edge RNR – the Commanding Officer at Maidenhead Sea Cadets, said: “We are delighted to have received this award, which is testament to all the hard work put in by our cadets and volunteers, who should all be very proud of this achievement. To be recognised in this way really is an honour.

“Sea Cadets offers so many opportunities to both adults and young people. It is important to remember that we are an independent charity that relies on volunteers in the local community to help make a positive different to the lives of so many young people in the area. If you think you could help us, please get in touch. Likewise, if you are between the ages of 10 and 18 and are interested in becoming a Sea Cadet, we would love to hear from you.”

T.S. Iron Duke, which is part of national charity Sea Cadets, gives young people a new perspective. We broaden horizons and create possibilities. Working across the UK with 14,000 young people between 10 and 18, we help them see the world with confidence, gained through the challenge of nautical adventure and a Royal Navy ethos. Our aim is to help more young people to see the future that they want – and make that future happen. 

The unit parades on Tuesdays and Fridays from 18:45-21:15, and meets at our Unit Headquarters in Mill Lane, Taplow, Sl6 0AD.Visit: to find out how you can join.

For more information, please contact: S/Lt (SCC) Chris Edge RNR on 01628 623089 (Tues & Fri only after 6pm) and




Rifle Drill is used in the Sea Cadets to teach cadets Teamwork, Commitment and Self-Discipline. The rifles used are for Parade Purposes only. 





Rifle Drill is used in the Sea Cadets to teach cadets Teamwork, Commitment and Self-Discipline. The rifles used are for Parade Purposes only. 
Rifle Drill is used in the Sea Cadets to teach cadets Teamwork, Commitment and Self-Discipline. The rifles used are for Parade Purposes only. 
Rifle Drill is used in the Sea Cadets to teach cadets Teamwork, Commitment and Self-Discipline. The rifles used are for Parade Purposes only. 
Rifle Drill is used in the Sea Cadets to teach cadets Teamwork, Commitment and Self-Discipline. The rifles used are for Parade Purposes only. 
Rifle Drill is used in the Sea Cadets to teach cadets Teamwork, Commitment and Self-Discipline. The rifles used are for Parade Purposes only. 


Rifle Drill is used in the Sea Cadets to teach cadets Teamwork, Commitment and Self-Discipline. The rifles used are for Parade Purposes only. 
Rifle Drill is used in the Sea Cadets to teach cadets Teamwork, Commitment and Self-Discipline. The rifles used are for Parade Purposes only. 
Rifle Drill is used in the Sea Cadets to teach cadets Teamwork, Commitment and Self-Discipline. The rifles used are for Parade Purposes only. 


Due to Staff Training the Unit will not be Open on Friday 24th March 2017.


We apologise for an inconvenience caused.

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