
St Helens Sea Cadets receives Burgee for 2023

St Helens Sea Cadets receives Burgee for 2023

Today we received our Burgee. An award given to recognise a ‘Very Good’ standard.

This displays the efforts of our Ships Company over the last year of a high standard. A great token to recognise Sub Lt James Dillon’s efforts as he built our score year on year whilst in command and continues to be a key player on our team.

Thankyou to all the Cadets and Adult Volunteers who enabled this to happen.

We work to continue to climb and achieve the best results for the young people of St Helens.

Visit from Commander Watson RNR

Visit from Commander Watson RNR

Last week we had Commander Watson RNR attend our unit to deliver a presentation on Royal Navy Diving and EOD to Cadets across Merseyside East Sea Cadets

The evening saw Commander Watson discuss future career opportunities in the world of #diving, from commercial to military, inspiring the young cadets and teaching the importance of transferrable skills between industries.

We look forward to continuing to work together!

V-J Parade 2023

V-J Parade 2023

Cadets, Instructors and Dignitaries took part in the V-J Parade in St Helens Town Centre today. Thank you to everyone who attended to pay their respects and show support 🇯🇵

Tough Mudder 2023!

Tough Mudder 2023!

On Saturday 15th July 2023, our Scimitar Mudders tackled Tough Mudder 2023 to raise vital funds for the Unit and our Cadets 💪 Our amazing Instructors achieved so much personally and as a team and we are very proud of them 👏👏

Thank you to everyone who donated (it's never too late 😉): 



It's not too late to sponsor our Scimitar Mudders!

It's not too late to sponsor our Scimitar Mudders!

LT (SCC) Ande Hurst RNR, PO (SCC) Becki Burrows, SLT (SCC) James Dillon RNR, PO (SCC) Pauline Simpson & Mr Terry Burns are bravely tackling Tough Mudder on the 15 July 2023 to raise vital funds for the Unit.

PLEASE if you could sponsor them to raise funds and meet their target, we would be greatly appreciated 🙏






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