The Trafalgar Night Dinner is a long-established tradition on Royal Navy ships and establishments across the world, and the staff and cadets of TS Otter do their part to ensure that the Immortal Memory of Admiral Nelson is celebrated in suitable style. The venue is the Gupshill Manor, where the function room is transformed into a Naval Officers' Mess for the evening, complete with unit silver and signal flags, and a full Mess dinner format is followed. So we went from Dinner Call, through parading of the beef by the cadets (to ensure that it is fit for consumption though, with the quality of catering at the Gupshill, that's just a traditional formality!) and Loyal Toast - conducted sitting down, of course, to reflect the low ceilings of the old sailing ships - all interspersed with readings by the cadets telling the story of the Battle. Over 80 diners were at table, amongst them unit staff, parents, local dignitaries, including the Tewkesbury Town Mayor, together with representatives of other Sea Cadet units from across the region, with Captain Philip Russell RN, Captain Sea Cadet Corps, joining us as Guest of Honour and exploring the links between the Battle and the Royal Navy of today before making the toast to the Immortal Memory.
Needless to say, what makes the evening special is the role of the cadets themselves, taking over serving duties from the Gupshill staff and proving themselves very adept at juggling plates and bowls of hot food. Nine cadets participated, under the direction of Leading Cadet Sam, and did the unit proud, as well as taking home some well-earned pocket money for their labours. The unit did well, too, with £400 added to the coffers from the raffle. To add to the occasion, Sarah Griffiths, Chair of the Unit Management Team, presented our Padre, Roger Grey, with a small memento in appreciation of his long-lasting dedication to the unit, which saw him attend every event in all kinds of weather! A superb night thanks to the detailed organisation by the Unit's Executive Officer, Ron Matthews, and enthusiasm of the cadets, all a credit to the unit and Corps.