
Simply the best! - October 2016

Tewkesbury Sea Cadets have won a prestigious award for “Exemplary Service in the Community”. The award was made by The Honourable Company of Gloucestershire, which exists to promote and recognise excellence within the County. At an award ceremony held on the 12thOctober, a framed certificate and cheque was handed to Training Ship Otter by the Honourable Hugh Tollemache, Warden of the Company. Out of all the Cadet Units in the County, the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire chose Tewkesbury Sea Cadets because of their strong support for, and links with, the local community. The Warden, together with Company representatives Air Marshal Sir Dusty Miller KBE., and Mr Ian O’Brien, met cadets and staff on a tour of the Unit while training was in progress. We are very grateful to Tewkesbury photographer, Jack Boskett, for capturing the event as seen in these fantastic photos -




A Chosen Few - October 2016

From the thousands of cadets in Gloucestershire (Sea Cadets, Army Cadets, Air Training Corps, Combined Cadet Force etc.,) only a few are chosen each year to serve as Lord Lieutenant’s Cadets. Our own Leading Cadet Sam is now one of that select group. She received her Certificate of Appointment from the Lord Lieutenant of Gloucestershire, Dame Janet Trotter DBE, at a ceremony held on the 2nd October. Ten cadets were appointed in total. As each cadet stepped forward a citation was read out summarising his or her achievements and plans for the future. This record was a truly impressive one in each case and a moving testimony to the quality of our young people. As Sam was invested, a proud Mum looked on, and our Commanding Officer, Sub. Lt. Cooper, together with our Unit President, Mrs Cadbury, beamed with delight!

Each Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet will take turns in accompanying Dame Janet Trotter as she carries out a wide variety of duties, including Royal Visits and Civic Ceremonies. As Sam carries out her new responsibilities, always in uniform of course, she will be an excellent ambassador for Tewkesbury Sea Cadets and the Sea Cadet Corps as a whole. We wish her well.


More Grant Success - October 2016

More Grant Success - October 2016

Tewkesbury Sea Cadets have just learned that they have been successful with their application to the Gloucestershire Community Foundation Main Grant Fund for the sum of £2235.00 to purchase a brand new RS Quest sailing dingy which is especially good for cadets new to sailing. With the matched funding from MSSC being approved earlier this year we are now even closer to owning one of these lovely boats. Thanks go to our CO, Sub Lt T Cooper for the initial application to MSSC and to Jan Flattley for all her help with the grant application to the Foundation. A great joint effort and a fantastic result.


Unit Boating Day - September 2016

On Saturday, 17th September, the sun shone and the faces of cadets shone with eager anticipation. The day was set aside for cadets to gain boating qualifications and we were based at the Tewkesbury Sailing Club. The instructors, led by our own CO, Sub. Lt. Tristan Cooper, were on hand to offer rowing, sailing, kayaking and power boating, all on a sparkling stretch of the lovely river Avon. For the cadets, it was a day of fun and serious achievement. We congratulate those who gained qualifications. For the instructors, it was a rewarding and satisfying experience to promote training of a high order. They gave up part of their weekend to help the cadets and we thank them for it.

Civic Duty Done - September 2016

The congregation for the Town Civic Service in Tewkesbury Abbey on Sunday 18th September included a smart turn out of TS Otter’s ship’s company. In fact, we were the only local cadet organisation on parade in support of the newly elected Town Mayor, something she commented on favourably to our CO after the Service. A notable feature of the Civic Service this year were three individuals interviewed by the Vicar of Tewkesbury on their thoughts concerning the Town and what it offers. One of these three was our own Leading Cadet Sam. Well done to her. The Service was also attended by our Unit President, Mrs Anne Cadbury OBE., and by one of our Vice-Presidents, Colonel Mike Bennett O.B.E., both of whom are DeputyLieutenants of the County.

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