
Gold Wings For OC Nash

OC Nash is the first Cadet in the District to achieve Bronze, Silver and Gold Wings for Sea Cadet Aviation.

Congratulations on a job well done Jamie.  

Jamie's full report in his own words of his experience will appear in the next issue of the Newsletter and is hoped it will encourage other cadets to follow suit. 

He did however wish to thank all the sea cadet aviation staff and the instructors from 727 squadron for providing him with such an awesome and helpful experience that has easily helped him decide to pursue flying in the Navy as a career.  

Onwards and upwards as they say Jamie!

Yole Club Ordered!

Yole Club Ordered!

With grateful thanks from all at Birmingham Sherbourne to:

Property for Kids; The Bernard Piggott Charitable Trust; The Cook & Wolstenholme Charitable Trust; The Edward & Dorothy Cadbury Trust and EWV Trust Fund for their kind donations.  We have now raised the order for our own Yole Club and should be with us within the next few weeks.

The Yole Club is a sliding seat rowing boat suitable for 1 or 2, easy to use for people of all abilities and is recommended for introduction and training.




Thank you again!

Thank you again!

A really big Thank You to the board of Trustees of Baron Davenports Charity for their kind donation of £1,000 for the refurbishment of the old comms room into a fully functional classroom, we can't wait to get started!


20% towards our Yole!

20% towards our Yole!

A Huge thank you to the Trustees of the Edward V Vincent Trust for their kind donation of £500 towards the cost of purchasing a Yole, this gives us the first 20% and a goal for us to aim at.  Fundraising will now begin to raise the balance and achieve our target as soon as possible.

South West Area Drill & Piping Competition

South West Area Drill & Piping Competition

A lot of hard work over the last few weeks culminated in a weekend at HMS Raleigh for the South West Area Drill and Piping Competition.  Birmingham Sherbourne and their fellow District Units made up the biggest contingency of the competition. Excellent effort form all involved and although no medals this time we couldn't be prouder and you couldn't have worked harder.  4th for Continuity and 6th for Armed Guard, competition at this level is a very stressful occasion and everyone gave over 100%. 

A proud Chief Rawlinson for the last year of his office pictured with all 17 cadets.

Birmingham (Sherbourne)'s Photo Gallery

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