
Lord Mayor Cadet

Lord Mayor Cadet

It is with great pleasure that we can announce that Lance Corporal Elliot from Training Ship (TS) Vernon has been selected to be the Lord Mayor of Birmingham's Cadet.

This is a phenomenal achievement for himself, and for the Unit as a whole. Birmingham Vernon has not had a Lord Mayor Cadet for a very long time, and we are over the moon that Elliot has been selected to represent the Sea Cadet Corps alongside the Lord Mayor.

L/Cpl was put forward as a candidate based on his commitment to the Unit, Corps and his involvement with in the Royal Marines Detachment. He has stepped up to help newer cadets and help drive success.

The Commanding Officer, Unit Management Team and whole ships company wish L/Cpl Elliot the very best in his new role.

Congratulations, you should be very proud.

- Commanding Officer

Sub Lieutenant (SCC) R Keyte RNR



The keys to the brand-new Midlands Boat Station have been handed over to the Sea Cadets, and Birmingham Vernon cannot wait to move in!

This fantastic new facility has dedicated space for Training Ship Vernon, as well as access to state-of-the-art boating equipment and more classroom space than we can shake a paddle board at!

Sitting in the heart of the Edgbaston Reservoir community, where Vernon has been for over 70 years this new building will serve both the local community, and cadets from far and wide to launch them for life today.

Vernon is already boating with this magnificent structure in the background, and our cadets who nearly top 50 in number fall in each parade on the square to start and end their parade.

We look forward to a new chapter in Vernon’s long, proud, and successful history. 

Let’s go MBS + TSV !

TS John Jerwood

TS John Jerwood

"I've booked onto another one this summer and I cannot wait!"

The Sea Cadets Offshore fleet gets reviews from Cadets describing their amazing time at sea all the time, and rightly so! But this time it was our very own Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAVs) giving the review! 

A week after Royal Marines Cadet James went to sea on TS John Jerwood, our very own Detachment Commander (DC) and Unit Training Officer (UTO) put on their sea shoes and climbed onboard

Heading to sea for the first time since they were cadets, the DC and UTO were taking up the role of supervisor and support for the crew of TS John Jerwood. This gave them a unique insight into what our cadets experience on offshore and allowed them to further expand their own skill base. 

"What a fantastic week! I thoroughly enjoyed getting to meet new people and being out in the fresh ocean air building up my offshore hours. I enjoyed it so much, especially with the added bonus of seeing dolphins!" - Sgt (SCC) C Unwin 

This was a first for Birmingham Vernon, having two of our volunteers at sea together at the same time, and week after another cadet returned to the Jerwood for his second time on the Offshore programme. A historical moment!

"Offshore provides our cadets with the chance to go to sea, experience things they have never thought possible, or thought was accessible to them. We may be in the heart of Birmingham and rather far from the sea, but Sea Cadets offers each cadet the chance to get their sea legs and create lifelong memories" - Sub Lieutenant (SCC) R Keyte RNR - CO

The Ships Company thanks our DC, Sgt (SCC) C Unwin and our UTO, PO (SCC) J Roberts for giving up their time and energy for this voyage. 

If you want more information on the Offshore programme, and think your cadet would like to know more please contact

Juniors take the win!

Juniors take the win!

Our Junior Sea Cadets have entered the Mercia District Drill & Piping competition for the first time in years, and have WON!

We are so proud of our Junior Piping team who have trained hard over the last month to get ready for the annual competition. Not having entered this competition in several years, we were just happy to take part! However all cadets performed perfectly and we came away with the win!

PO (SCC) L Smith, the Junior Sea Cadet Training Officer (JTO) said "I am so so proud of what they have achieved, and in such a small space of time. They have all committed themselves to this and even attended extra training sessions to make sure they were ready. It has clearly paid off!"

Junior Sea Cadet Carolina also took second place in the Individual Piping competition.

Congratulations Cadets, you have given T.S Vernon its first silverware of 2024! 

Royal Marines Detachment award

Royal Marines Detachment award

After our Commanding Officer, Sub Lieutenant (SCC) R Keyte and Detachment Commander, Sergeant (SCC) C Unwin attended an amazing South West Area Sea Cadets conference we are delighted to announce that Birmingham Vernons Royal Marines Detachment (RMCD) has been nominated from the whole of South West Area for the SMRO Trophy.

This is recognition of the transformation of the Detachment over the past 12 months.

A huge thank you to the volunteers at Birmingham Vernon, the previous Detachment Commander Sergeant (SCC) J Millward for leading the detachment through location changes and COVID-19, and to our current Detachment Commander for her hard work and drive to give our cadets the opportunity to achieve and have the Royal Marines experience.

On after receiving the award our Commanding Officer said "As the Detachment nearly closed, this recognition is fantastic, and goes to show that the hard work put in by our volunteers is providing results. We are striving to provide a safe and enjoyable learning environment for our Royal Marines Cadets and offer both Sea Cadets and Royal Marines the full cadet experience. Starting the year with two cadets, and with nine new cadets onboard with two more joining, Birmingham Vernons RMCD is back and ready to push further in 2024"


Birmingham (Vernon)'s Photo Gallery

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