
LT O Chambers MBE RNR presented with leaving gift

Former CO leaves Vernon

BZ, thank you and goodbye to our former Commanding Officer Lieutenant (SCC) O Chambers MBE RNR.

LT Chambers MBE RNR was presented with a custom made decanter engraved with the ships crest and the dates of his command, a gift from all the volunteers and Unit Management Team here. He was also presented with a frame with photographs of his time at Vernon, including the various rates and ranks he had held during his 29 years at Birmingham Vernon.

Our VIP inspected the ship's company and spoke to the cadets about the opportunities and experiences Sea Cadets can provide, helping launch young people for life.

To top off the evening, he was carried out of the ship by senior rates whilst applauded by the ships company.

Commanding Officer, Sub Lieutenant (SCC) R Keyte commented : "Sir has been involved in Birmingham Vernon for almost my entire life time, and has set this ship on a positive and secure trajectory. Guiding the unit and its staff members during Covid-19 and starting the process of us securing our new building at the Midlands Boat Station. He will be missed, but is always welcome here at Birmingham Vernon"

We look forward to seeing Sir around the District as he takes up his role within Mercia District Sea Cadets

Royal Marines Summer Camp 2023

Royal Marines Summer Camp 2023

ACOY RMC summer camp! 

It's been a fun filled week with field craft lessons followed by section attacks, breaking contact, room clearances, and so much more. Put into practice with 3 nights in the field sleeping out under the stars. 

Cadets took part in a final assault on Friday evening, firing blank rounds and practicing everything they had covered in the week. 

What a successful week for Alpha company, Birmingham Vernon Royal Marines Cadets and the Sea Cadets that accompanied them! You can be sure to look forward to many stories of the adventures and unforgettable experiences the cadets have been a part of. 

We look forward to the next RMC camp and hope to see more Cadets from both the Sea Cadet Division and Royal Marines Detachment taking part.



Congratulations to Probationary Petty Officer (SCC) Poole who has attended and completed his Basic Leadership course (BLC) at HMS Excellent. 

This weekend course was the final stage in his pathway to gain promotion to Petty Officer (SCC). 

Congratulations on your promotion and thank you for all your hard work.


TSV Summer Camp

TSV Summer Camp

Cadets from Birmingham Vernon (Training Ship Vernon) and Birmingham Stirling sea cadets have taken part in a weekend of fun activities and camping at Blackwell Adventure!

The first unit camp for many years saw our cadets take part in a variety of team building exercises, laser tag and camp fires. Cooking their own meals on camping equipment, the cadets were fully immersed in the camping experience - not a mobile phone in sight!

A huge success which will return next year. Thank you to our adult volunteers for making this unforgettable experience happen for our cadets. 

SWA Summer Camp 2023

SWA Summer Camp 2023

Last week volunteers and cadets from Birmingham Vernon took part in the South West Area (SWA) summer camp, held evey two years at HMS Raleigh.

This huge camp saw over 130 cadets and 80 volunteers come together for an action packed week of fun, learning and adventure whilst living and sleeping onboard at the Royal Navy's home of learning - HMS Raleigh.

Birmingham Vernon was proudly represented by three outstanding volunteers and two upstanding cadets all of which have come home exhausted. Despite falling asleep on the coach home, our volunteers have all had an amazing experience saying it was "the best week ever!" and highlighting the impact that sea cadets has on our young people: "seeing the cadets happy, facing fears and making new friends is honestly amazing to see and makes me so proud as a volunteer".

Thank you to Petty Officers (SCC) L Smith, J Roberts and Probationary Sergeant (SCC) D Mulvenna for giving up your time to give our young people the best head start in life. 


Birmingham (Vernon)'s Photo Gallery

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