BZ, thank you and goodbye to our former Commanding Officer Lieutenant (SCC) O Chambers MBE RNR.
LT Chambers MBE RNR was presented with a custom made decanter engraved with the ships crest and the dates of his command, a gift from all the volunteers and Unit Management Team here. He was also presented with a frame with photographs of his time at Vernon, including the various rates and ranks he had held during his 29 years at Birmingham Vernon.
Our VIP inspected the ship's company and spoke to the cadets about the opportunities and experiences Sea Cadets can provide, helping launch young people for life.
To top off the evening, he was carried out of the ship by senior rates whilst applauded by the ships company.
Commanding Officer, Sub Lieutenant (SCC) R Keyte commented : "Sir has been involved in Birmingham Vernon for almost my entire life time, and has set this ship on a positive and secure trajectory. Guiding the unit and its staff members during Covid-19 and starting the process of us securing our new building at the Midlands Boat Station. He will be missed, but is always welcome here at Birmingham Vernon"
We look forward to seeing Sir around the District as he takes up his role within Mercia District Sea Cadets