Groundbreaking news! Today we celebrated an exciting milestone in our Midlands Boat Station and Birmingham Vernon construction project.
Hard hats on and shovels at the ready, our CEO Martin Coles CBE, Councillor Sir Albert Bore, cadets and volunteers from Birmingham Vernon Unit and across Mercia District met at the 'ground-breaking' ceremony, a custom that marks the first official day of construction.
Rumour has it a spade has been kept behind to be engraved!
Birmingham Vernon has a variety of social media to provide all the latest updates, this includes cadet adctivies and key milestones on the building journey Click here
Thank you to Carol Tiley MBE our Chairperson, Chief Petty Officer (SCC) P Fenton our First Lieutenant, Petty Officer (SCC) J Roberts and members of Mercia district for attending.