
Staff training

8 February 2019

Well done to our 7 instructors who have spent the weekend working towards their personal development and gaining new skills at MAST.

PPO Hoad And PPO Doman did their core drill module.

PPO Garbett did his YDM core module.

PPO Quinn and PPO Bioletti did their L&D module.

PO(SCC) Hodgson did his first aid instructors course.

S/Lt Edge taught the piping instructors course.

well done all hope you had a fabulous time!!


happy birthday tempany

15 January 2019

Happy birthday to now PPO Tempany Burchett who has been with us for a fair few years seeing it out till 18 and now joining us lot as staff... good luck and have an amazing birthday!!!!

District football 2019

13 January 2019

District football, a competition often discarded, was very interesting this year with an all new venue and a whole different group of cadets to last year... results are as follows:

Junior Boys - 1st
Juniors Girls - 2nd
Senior Boys - 2nd (with Reading and Basingstoke)
Juniors - 2nd

An amazing effort all round well done!

Next up is Area on the 19th - details to follow


swimarathon 2019

5 January 2019

On Saturday 5 January 2019, the unit took part in the Maidenhead Lions Club annual Swimarathon.

We took 2 teams with both Volunteers and Cadets involved, swimming in relay for an hour raising funds 50:50 for the Unit and the Lions Charitable Trust.

Both teams surpassed their lap targets and a great enjoyable, yet tiring, team evening was held.

If you have not yet had the time to sponsor us then please do so at the following link.

Well Done to Everyone who took part, or as us sea cadet folk say... BZ!!!!


happy new year!!!

1 January 2019

After a very busy 2018 we are set to have an even busier 2019... with RNP, cadets transitioning to staff and loads of new faces theres alot to focus on this year... 

heres to an amazing 2018 and hopefully an even better 2019...

Happy new year!!!!!!!

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