
AC James

19 December 2018

Congratulations to AC James who has completed his licence to use VHF Marine radios. 1st Cadet in Berkshire to get this!

BZ James!!!!

mess dinner and last night blow out

18 December 2018

Cadets all attended the anual mess dinner dressed up smartly for a 3 course meal cooked by the lovely UMT and Parents and helpers... this was a chance to be congratulated for what they have acheived over the last year and to just have a social get together out of the norm of the regular night...

they also came down on the last night of the year dressed up slightly differently, from being a giant present to being Del Boy from only fools and horses the cadtes had a bit of a blow out, fun and games and time to just chill before the break over christmas... after all the affort and acheivements this year i feel this was greatly deserved...

Here's to 2018 giving it a send off...

BZ to all!!!!


7 December 2018

After a long year of hard work, going away on courses and acheiving qualifications we have room for on last divisions night and awards and presentations...

Starting off with CDT's Gracie, Poppy and Harvey who all recieve their promotions to CFC...

Next, OC Andrew, CFC's Aimee, Harvey, Gracie and Poppy as well as CDT William all recieve good conduct badges... OC Andrew and CFC Aimee both recieve their second while the others recieve their first...

OC Andrew stays put and is then joined by CDT Krish and CDT Eva all to recieve their basic piping badge...

Then, CDT's Natasha, Jimmy, Josh and Rihanna and then CFC Gracie recieve their 3rd class seamanship badge after undertaking alot of training with PO Hodgeson...

AC James is then joined by CFC Aimee, CFC Harvey and CDT Thiago to recieve their basic CIS badge provided by PO Hearn...

CDT Hayden gets his morse code...

OC Andrew is presented his OH2 for offshore power...

AC James recieves his certificate for a BTEC level 1 in teamwork, personal skills and citizenship in uniformed youth organisations...

LJC Harley recieved her certificate from the junior summer camp...

APO Doman and APO Hoad both recieve certificates of achievement for their efforts over the last few months...

and last but not least the unit recieves a 2018 burgee... after all the hard work and success its finally paid off with the retreaval of te top award a unit can acheive... the cadets are also presented the featherstonehaugh trophy and the district cup as a way for them to visualy see that their efforts havent gone unnoticed...

BZ ALL!!!!!!


25 November 2018

I would like to congratulate the Cadets and Adult Volunteers of Maidenhead Sea Cadets for your hard work over 2018.

This has lead us to receive the The Featherstonehaugh Trophy for 2018 - for the most improved delivery of the Cadet Experience and the Range of activities that we have offered over the past year.

I would also like to congratulate the Unit Chairman on his award for meritorious service to the Sea Cadets.

Both awards were presented at the 2018 Southern Area Sea Cadet Volunteer Conference.

Very well done to all - so proud of our unit and everyone associated with us.


area swimming comp

18 November 2018

Results from the Area Swimming Comp! (Finally!!!)

After a fantastic effort by all at the Area Swimming Comp last Sunday the district came away with:

1st Place in Junior Junior Male Breast Stroke
1st Place in Junior Junior Female Freestyle
2nd Place in the Junior Junior Relay
2nd Place in the Senior Cadet Relay
3rd Place in the Junior Junior Male Backstroke
3rd Place in the Senior Male Freestyle

On top of this we had cadets and Juniors in every race so came away with many results, which although didn't place deserve no less than a round of applause for their excellent effort and amazing team spirit!

These results led to us placing 2nd in both the Junior Junior and Senior cadet categories overall!

Well done to all the cadets who acted brilliantly and thank you to all the staff who came to support and help make the day happen!

BZ Everyone Involved!

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